Three New Pokemon Controllers coming for the SwitchUncategorisedBy CM3031 January 2020Leave a commentRead more
Nintendo Reveals Pokemon HOME’s Pricing, Feature ListUncategorisedBy CM3029 January 2020Leave a commentRead more
Super Mario 64’s Shifting Sand Land Has Been Remade as a Legend of Zelda DungeonUncategorisedBy CM3028 January 2020Leave a commentRead more
Doom Creative Director Hugo Martin: NO MTX in Doom Eternal, and In Game XP is Purely for CosmeticsUncategorisedBy CM3027 January 20201 CommentRead more
Major New Glitch Lets Luigi’s Mansion 3 Players Skip Amadeus Wolfgeist Boss BattleUncategorisedBy CM3017 January 20202 CommentsRead more
A 2nd Fighter Pass Has Been Announced for Super Smash Bros Ultimate, Six New Characters Included!UncategorisedBy CM3016 January 2020Leave a commentRead more
Byleth from Fire Emblem Three Houses Joins Super Smash Bros UltimateUncategorisedBy CM3016 January 2020Leave a commentRead more
Super Smash Bros Ultimate’s Fifth Fighter Pass Character is Being Revealed on January 16thUncategorisedBy CM3014 January 2020Leave a commentRead more
Pokemon Sword and Shield are Getting an Expansion Pass, with New Locations, Characters and PokemonUncategorisedBy CM309 January 2020Leave a commentRead more