
A New Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Trailer is Coming Tomorrow!

A New Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Trailer is Coming Tomorrow!

Well Pokemon fans, it’s time for another update once again! Yep, as per the official Pokemon Twitter account, a new trailer for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet will be coming tomorrow, with new information about the games in question. Here’s the post about it in full:

It’s a pretty interesting announcement, and a very sudden one too.

So sudden in fact that it makes me wonder… was this a last minute announcement to try and bury the recent leaks?

Because as you know, Pokemon Scarlet and Violet have also started leaking online recently, with at least one lucky fan having received the full game well in advance of its release date.

Hence it makes us suspect the folks at the Pokemon Company saw that (and the huge amount of news coverage the leaks were getting in well known outlets) and decided they need to bury the news as quickly as possible. Hence all the announcements to try to steer conversation away from leaks and back to official information.

Whatever the reason though, we’re getting a new Pokemon Scarlet and Violet trailer tomorrow, and it’s going to have a ton of new information about said games. So, check out when it’ll be posted via the table below:

Timezone Trailer Posting Time
PT 6am
EST 9am
GMT 2pm
JST 11pm

Then leave your thoughts on what you expect to see there in the comments, on social media, or on our Discord server today!


A New Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Trailer is Coming Tomorrow (Twitter)

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