Here’s the trailer showing the update in action, as well as all the content it brings to the table:

As you can see, there’s a lot there this time around. You’ve got a wide variety of events for November and December, including the Thanksgiving themed Turkey Day and Christmas themed Toy Day, plus various tasks and quests to do to celebrate them. There are new hairstyles and reactions you can buy with Nook Miles, which give you the ability to do things like have an afro or sit on the ground respectively.
Plus the ability to expand your home’s storage, or transfer your save data to a new Nintendo Switch console.
All this stuff will be available tomorrow on November 19th, free for all players to enjoy.
So check out the trailer if you somehow haven’t already…
Then tell us your thoughts about the update and what’s included in it in the comments below, on the Gaming Latest forums, or on our Discord server today!
Animal Crossing: New Horizons – Free Winter Update – Nintendo Switch (Official Trailer)