Well, it seems the rumours were actually true. Just as expected, Nintendo has posted a video showcasing the follow up to the Switch console, complete with a preview of a new Mario Kart game.
Here’s the video if you haven’t seen it already:

As you can tell, it’s about what you’d expect from a new Switch. It’s got the same hybrid console mechanics, being usable on a TV while docked and as a portable system when not. It’s more powerful than the original Switch, with a shinier design.
And there are a few of the rumoured features too, like magnetic Joy-cons, backwards compatibility and the extra capture button on each Joy-Con equivalent.
So, there’s nothing too crazy here. They’ve not gone into the world of virtual reality, or the metaverse, or any other random idea you might have imagined.
But to be honest? They didn’t need to. The existing Switch concept was an amazing one, and it worked well for years. A more advanced, better built version of that is exactly what the company needs right now.
Plus, with the games shown off so far, we’re confident it’ll deliver on that front. That new Mario Kart game seems to have 24-player support based on the starting positions shown, and the new circuit track in the desert is sure-fire evidence that it’s not based on any existing Mario Kart game either.
So now only one real question remains. Will the Switch 1’s issues be fixed here?
Will Joy-Con drift be a thing of the past?
Because to be honest, that’s really the main thing that concerns us right now. We’ve already had years of faulty controllers due to Nintendo’s lack of testing, and it’s made many games far harder to enjoy than they would be.
Hence, we’re really hoping those shiny new Joy-Con replacements don’t have the same issue. That they’re good and reliable, and work exactly as expected.
Regardless, check out the trailer above if you haven’t already, then tell us your thoughts about the console in the comments below, on social media, or on our Discord server today!
Nintendo Switch 2 – First Look Trailer (Nintendo of America)