Yesterday evening, we had the first State of Play for 2024. Sony’s equivalent to the Nintendo Direct, this event featured things like the sequel to Death Stranding, the VR focused Metro sequel Metro Awakening, and a Godzilla crossover for Dave the Diver.
Yet despite this, one of the most interesting announcements wasn’t any of those things. No, it was Sega’s next big Sonic reveal. Namely, Sonic X Shadow Generations.
Yep, the 3D platforming classic is being remastered for modern consoles, complete with a new side story featuring Shadow. Here’s the trailer if you haven’t seen it already:

As you can see, it’s mostly what you’d expect for the main story. The visuals have been polished up a bit and there are presumably a few quality-of-life changes, but it’s Sonic Generations through and through.
Where it does differ though is the new Shadow focused mode. This one is filled with callbacks and returning characters from all over the series, and has Shadow play through what look like an entirely separate campaign with its own story, bosses and other awesome throwbacks. It’s a real treat for Sonic fans, and with unexpected foes like Black Doom and the Biolizard making return appearances, something that’s sure to breathe new life into the original game.
Of course, it’s clear that a bit of inspiration was taken from Nintendo here. Indeed, with Shadow’s story having its own campaign, what looks like a new engine and all new content not found in the main game, it’s basically Bowser’s Fury Shadow Edition. Which is neat to see really, and probably the best way they could have expanded on such a beloved game too.
So yeah, that’s Sonic X Shadow Generations. It’s coming to PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, Xbox Series X and Steam in August 2024, and will likely be released to coincide with the third movie too.
But what do you think about it? Are you excited to see this game get remastered for a new generation? How does the addition of Shadow’s story affect the game as a whole?
Leave your thoughts in the comments below, on social media, on our Discord server today!