
Nintendo Discontinues Twitter Integration on Switch

Nintendo Discontinues Twitter Integration on Switch

Starting from June 10th, it will no longer be possible to post screenshots or videos to Twitter (aka X) via the Switch’s album, or use the site to send friend requests.

That’s according to Nintendo anyway, who announced that support for the platform was being discontinued for the console. Here’s their original post about it from the service in question:

As well as their support article with more info on the matter:

Discontinuation of X (formerly Twitter) Integration and Social Media Integration for the Friend Suggestions Feature on Nintendo Switch (Nintendo Official Site)

As you can tell, it’s pretty much curtains for Nintendo and Twitter. Every feature on the console that uses it will stop working, and there are no plans to replace said service with anything else.

And to be honest? We’re not surprised in the slightest.

Since after Musk’s crack down on Twitter API usage (and the associated price rises), it became extremely expensive and inconvenient to integrate anything with the platform at all. Their widgets stopped working, their API required a paid account to use, and on a technical level, things became far less reliable than ever before.

So, it was honestly a bit of a miracle that Nintendo kept the system online this long. Presumably, they were paying an absolute fortune to keep it going, and only stuck around so long due to a reluctance to change up the Switch’s features or make any major online changes.

But presumably those days are now over, and the bigwigs at the company have decided the Twitter fees aren’t worth paying anymore. Hence the current update.

Still, what do you think about this? Do you regularly share your Switch pictures and clips on Twitter? What sort of social media integration functionality will the Switch’s successor have when it’s launched in the near future?

Leave your thoughts in the comments below, on social media, or over on our Discord server today.


Discontinuation of X (formerly Twitter) Integration and Social Media Integration for the Friend Suggestions Feature on Nintendo Switch (Nintendo official site)

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