
How to Warp to the Last Dungeon in Echoes of Wisdom

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How to Warp to the Last Dungeon in Echoes of Wisdom

Hey folks, have you ever wanted to skip almost the entirety of The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom? To speedrun the game to such a point you go from the first dungeon to the last one within mere seconds?

Well, if so, you’re in luck. That’s because speedrunners have now find a glitch that lets you wrong warp anywhere in the game, skipping right to the final area from any other dungeon or Still World location you currently have access to. Named Index Warping and found by gymnast86 and ballistixx, the glitch is simple enough to pull off that almost anyone can do it, and even lets you use Swordfighter form in the last battle to boot.

Here’s our video on how to use it:

[Video Goes Here]

As well as a written guide for how to skip straight to the last dungeon:

The Walkthrough


First, make sure you have access to the following things:

  1. The Sign Echo
  2. Any Echo that can let you climb trees (even beds or tables work)
  3. The warp point next to Dampe’s Studio
  4. Access to a dungeon (like the Suthorn Ruins)

Once you have them, you can begin the setup.

Getting Map Storage

Starting with the Map Storage part. For this one, go to the Eternal Forest, and climb on top of the trees.

Then, go to the point where you’ll void out if you go any further. Save the game here for convenience sakes.

Near Void Out Spot

Going left on this tree causes a void out

Switch to the Sign Echo.

Place it on the tree so it’s near the void out zone.

Sign Near Void Out

The sign is placed near the void out zone, and can be targeted

Use ZL to target the sign, and read it the instant you hit the void out zone.

The text will be on screen while fog is present in the corners. That’s step 1.

Text Box In Fog

Despite being in the void out zone, the text box is on screen

Now, close the box, hold L and repeatedly tap right.

If done right, you’ll see the Echoes list appear on screen before you void out, then reappear when you load back in.

Echoes On Screen During Void Out

The echo menu is visible despite voiding out

Echoes Still On Screen

And they’re still on screen when you load back in

Now, use – to open the map with the Echoes list available.

Map Storage Screenshot

Map Storage in action… note the echoes are on screen while the map is up

Getting the Wrong Warp

Next, hold L to keep the Echoes list on screen, and select a warp point next to a dungeon. The Suthorn Ruins is best, but any dungeon works fine.

Selecting Warp Point Near Dungeon

Remember to keep holding L when you select this!

From this point on, keep holding L until we say otherwise. So while holding it, choose to warp to the dungeon.

It’ll look like you’ve not moved anywhere after a black screen, but you’re actually in your new location, just hidden in the background. Use the mini map to navigate yourself to the Still World entrance.

Going To Dungeon Mini Map

Only the mini map shows your real location here

Choose to enter if asked by Tri.

Enter Still World in Map Storage

You can enter the Still World while in Map Storage.

Press – while still holding L to bring up the map, and select a warp point so the prompt appears.

Choose Marker In Dungeon

Choosing a marker in the Still World via Map Storage

Now, stop holding L, and press – again to open a second map view.

Press left on the D-Pad twice to load the main overworld map.

Select one of these 4 warp points without pressing down on the analogue stick/hovering over cancel on the other screen:

  1. West of Hyrule Castle Town
  2. Outside of Northern Sanctuary
  3. Outside of Dampe’s Studio
  4. Southwest of Kakariko Village

We prefer the one outside of Dampe’s Studio, but any will do.

Choose Overworld Marker Based On Warp Index

The marker here is ideal for this glitch, since it matches the index of one of the final dungeon’s entrances

Now, quickly press right and A at the same time. You should see a brief map flicker, then Zelda should warp to a new location.

With said location being the final dungeon in Echoes of Wisdom! Congrats, you’ve now warped straight to the finale, skipping every other dungeon and quest along the way.

Echoes of Wisdom Final Dungeon

If you did everything correctly, you’ll appear here in the final dungeon

A Note About Null

But there are a few differences here, one of which you’ll need a way to bypass.

For one thing, Swordfighter form is now usable in the last dungeon and boss fight. This significantly simplifies the battles here, since you’re not reliant on the unreliable Echo AI to do damage.

And you can also save here too. Interestingly, this doesn’t actually softlock your file or anything, since beating the final boss puts you back in the Stilled Ancient Ruins on your latest save instead, and you can leave from there.

It also marks many of the dungeon puzzles as complete too, letting you skip 80% of them on return visits.

Link is also absent from many rooms, but again it doesn’t matter much. He’s still present in the enemy gauntlet, the puzzle where you need to lift him up to reach a switch, and the final boss battle, so the dungeon is still entirely possible to clear in this state.

Unfortunately, the final difference is where the issue is.

See this room?

Final Dungeon Softlock Room

This room often causes a softlock if you warp into the final dungeon

Usually, Link is supposed to signal to Zelda when you hit the switch/open the door, before the two of you move on to the second room.

Problem is, Link doesn’t appear in this room if you wrong warp here. So, solving the puzzle normally will just softlock the game in an endless broken cutscene.

Fortunately, there is a very simple trick to skip this issue. Just throw a rock at the switch, then save and reload before the rock hits it.

The rock will somehow hit the switch when you reload, opening the door and skipping the broken cutscene entirely. From there, the rest of the dungeon plays out as normal. Plus, if you continue after beating the boss in this state, all dungeon puzzles here will be permanently marked as ‘complete’ anyway, removing this issue from future runs.

Either way, that’s how you can wrong warp straight to the final dungeon in The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom, skipping almost the entire game in the process. It’s a fairly simple glitch to pull off, so why not give it a go on your next playthrough?

It’ll certainly make the final boss a much more interesting encounter, that’s for sure!


Why can’t I select the sign before voiding out?

You pressed A too late. It has to be at basically the same time as you move into the void out zone.

How come L isn’t working for the Echoes menu?

Seems you may have to press and hold it after closing the text box, not while it’s open.

I can’t get the Echo list to appear quickly enough!

It’s a tough thing to time, so keep trying. Just hammer right on that D-Pad if you’re having trouble.

What happens if I press + instead of – while the list is on screen?

You get Menu Storage instead. This has some funny effects, but it’s a lot less useful in our opinion.

How do I switch from Menu Storage to Map Storage?

Hold L as you press – in that state.

How long do I hold L while doing this glitch?

From the point you select the warp marker to the point you select the second warp marker inside the rift or dungeon. Once the prompt for the second one is on screen, you can let go of L.

Why do I need to hold L so long?

Otherwise the glitch ends when you warp, enter the Still World/a dungeon, etc.

Why do I need to enter a dungeon/rift?

Because you need to be able to switch map screens/layers, which you can’t do on the standard overworld map.

Why did I just warp to the normal waypoint?

You either pressed A before pressing left/right, or didn’t press the latter at all.

How come the game put me in the Gerudo Sanctum/crashed/didn’t go anywhere?

You didn’t select a warp point while the second map view was open. Hence it relied on some dummy data, which usually maps to either the Gerudo Sanctum, Hyrule Castle or Eldin Temple warp points, if it doesn’t crash outright.

Can I wrong warp across the normal map this way as well?

Yes, though it doesn’t help nearly as much. You can’t press left/right on the D-Pad quickly enough to change between the dungeon and overworld map here, so you can only really use Still World warp points outside of dungeons for setup. These are few and far between, and go to some fairly useless places:

Our testing gave us this:

  • Eldin Temple Rift to Overworld: Suthorn Beach Cave Entrance (default?)
  • Faron Temple Rift to Overworld: Hebra Mountain Base Warp Point
  • Gerudo Sanctum Rift to Overworld: Gerudo Town Warp Point
  • Laynaru Temple Rift to Overworld: Conde’s House Warp Point

It’s also probably possible with the Ancient Temple and Hyrule Castle Town rifts, but they’re really quite tricky to enter with Map Storage active.

Why did the game softlock in the last dungeon?

Link doesn’t appear in one room, so a puzzle completed cutscene just freezes. Use the simple trick mentioned in the guide to fix this issue.

Does saving do anything weird in the last dungeon?

No. In fact, saving in the final boss fight will put you on the ledge right before it when you reload.

What happens if you beat the game?

Your last/current save slot will put you in the Stilled Ancient Ruins when you reload it.

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