
How to Get the Most BROKEN Melee Weapon in Breath of the Wild!

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How to Get the Most BROKEN Melee Weapon in Breath of the Wild!

As you know, every weapon, bow and shield is meant to be breakable in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Okay, the Master Sword only needs to recharge for a bit, and there are special weapons with unbreakable properties you can get at certain points in the game (like the Bow of Light and One-Hit Obliterator) …

But as a rule of thumb, durability is always a major factor here. You can delay it with durability transfer glitches or WMC shenanigans, but it’ll destroy or limit your weapons in the end, quality be damned.

And it’s especially bad with melee ones. After all, while the Bow of Light can technically be gotten with Inventory Slot Transfer, nothing similar was known to exist for melee attackers. The One-Hit Obliterator was somewhat close, but its health draining properties and disappearing act made it of limited effectiveness at best.

So, if you wanted a more physical playstyle, you were out of luck. You either accepted the Bow of Light was the way forward and went with that, or learnt to deal with the limitations put on the game’s melee weapons in general, whether that be breaking, recharge times or disappearing if you reload with them equipped.

Now though, things have changed. Now an ultimate melee weapon has been found in the game too. A single weapon that can replace even the Master Sword for every possible use case.

The Ultra Obliterator.

This is a special Obliterator given to you in the ending cutscene of a certain challenge, and one which turns out to be the best weapon in the game when kept and powered up through glitches.

Here’s how to get it…

The Walkthrough

Starting with the video walkthrough. If you prefer seeing the process in action, you can watch that here:

YouTube player

On the other hand, if text is more your thing, here’s a written guide with a few more ways to get this powerful item…

Initial Prerequisites

You’ll first need the following before you can begin:

  1. Three of the four shrines in the One-Hit Obliterator part of the Champion’s Ballad completed
  2. Access to the Horseback Archery mini game
  3. Enough slots to drop your inventory count below 0 (or access to an alternate file with that many)
  4. Link’s House in Hateno Village, complete with at least one weapon stand
  5. Some sort of save inside the final Obliterator trial shrine

Now, manually save the game. If you don’t have an auto save in the final Obliterator trial shrine, save there. Do not ever overwrite this save file until we tell you to do so. It’s the one with all your items on it, and the one which you’ll eventually transfer the Obliterator back to.

With those things out of the way, let’s begin.

The Setup

Setup Option 1: A Pre-Nuked Inventory

With the first of two ways to setup the trick. For this version, we’re nuking the inventory before setting up wrong warp.

So, break enough IST slots to cover every inventory slot you have plus a few more (honestly, break as many as you can here), and your inventory should be all manner of screwed up. Get an auto save, then exit and re-enter the game.

You have no inventory items left (bar maybe the Travel Medallion and Champion abilities) and can move to the next step.

Setup Option 2: Nuking the Inventory as We Go

If you want to do the video’s setup on the other hand, instead get rid of every non material you don’t need and can rid of. Weapons, bows, shields, armour pieces, meals, Spirit Orbs, Korok seeds… eat, drop or sell them as necessary. You want to have as lean an inventory as possible for the next few steps.

Then get an auto save, and move onto the wrong warp part.

Wrong Warp

Regardless of what you did before, start the Horseback Archery mini game. Land on a wild horse (or Lynel) as the time runs out, then load your save inside the final Obliterator trial shrine.

Teleport to the Travel Medallion.

This sets up a wrong warp to that shrine. If you ever save and reload, you’ll end up there.

Getting a Negative Mcount

Now, you’ll need a negative mcount inside the shrine. If you nuked your items earlier, this should be pretty easy, since at best you’ll have 5 key items to work with. So, break around 12-15 slots with the IST method of your choice, and reload the save inside the shrine.

If you didn’t nuke your items earlier, you’ll want to account for all your items, plus any that will duplicate when you load the save inside the shrine. So, count the slots you have, the slots that’ll duplicate (any weapons, shields, bows, armour or meals, as well as arrows, materials, Spirit Orbs and Korok seeds you have less than 999 of), then break a bunch more slots on top of that. Assuming you got rid of most items earlier in this guide, then approximately 35-40 slots should do it:

(assuming your inventory looks a bit like this)

  • 1 Master Sword
  • 6 Arrow types
  • 1 Champion’s Tunic
  • 1 Thunder Helm
  • 1 Zora Helm
  • 1 Zora Armour
  • 1 Zora Greaves
  • 1 Sheikah Slate [Does not dupe]
  • 1 Paraglider [Does not dupe]
  • 4 Champion abilities
  • 1 Travel Medallion

Once you have a negative mcount (this simulator will help a lot), get an autosave and reload it to enter the shrine.

Getting the Special Obliterator

Complete the shrine as expected.

You should get a ridiculously glitched cutscene with the Obliterator lying on the floor and Link holding nothing. Watch it as expected.

Once it ends, look through your inventory, and you’ll find a weird Obliterator in a tab past Key Items. This one has no name or description, and it’s the weapon you need here.

Strange Obliterator In Inventory

A strange Obliterator appears in the player’s inventory…

Regardless, go to Link’s House, and put the item on a weapon stand. Get an auto save, then quit the game.

Obliterator On a Weapon Stand

Put the special Obliterator on a weapon stand to keep it

Once you re-enter, you should find Link’s inventory is entirely gone. That’s what happens if you have a negative mcount and the game can sync your item inventories. It literally nukes everything in the inventory, leaving you with nothing.

A nuked inventory in Breath of the Wild

Because the data resynced with a negative mcount, Link’s whole inventory is gone

Well, almost nothing. Due to a failsafe, the Champion Abilities will reappear if you cleared their respective quests, and so will the Travel Medallion if it was previously in your inventory.

Regardless, you’re probably inside that shrine you wrong warped into, so go to Hateno Village, get an auto save and move onto the next part of the guide.

Powering Up the Obliterator

So yeah, you now have the item on a weapon stand. However, it only does 1 damage, and it’s on a save with no items.

Fortunately, we can fix both of those issues extremely easily, starting with the 1 damage one. For this, you’ll need a trick called Weapon Modifier Corruption.

With the first part involving a very special recipe. So either load your manual save before this glitch, or the save from the alternate game mode (master mode if on normal mode, normal mode if on master mode), and setup the recipe you want. If you know Prompt Entanglement, you can use cooked or frozen ingredients for an extra powerful recipe, but if not, using these ingredients:

  • Palm Fruit
  • Fairy
  • Farosh Horn
  • Naydra Horn
  • Dinraal Horn

Will give you a recipe that adds 105 attack power to the weapon it corrupts.

Regardless, you can find a nice list of WMC recipes here, so choose whatever one takes your fancy.

Now, setup enough IST slots to contain your key items and that recipe…

Then load the autosave with the Obliterator. Sync your inventory by collecting the Obliterator to update your inventory, then get an autosave.

Exit the game and re-enter.

Your autosave should now have only the Obliterator, the recipe and whatever Key Items you transferred. If so, go back to the manual save/alternate save, and prepare stage two.

Aka 60 meals. Yeah, you need to transfer 60 meals over to the autosave to corrupt your file. So, create them (they can be anything, so we’d advise using single ingredient recipes involving effect-based materials, like Mighty Bananas or Hearty Durians to save time).

Create enough IST slots to cover your Key Items, plus those 60 meals. Reload the autosave with the Obliterator.

It should now have at least 106 attack power. If so, put it on a weapon stand, and get rid of the meals to nuke your inventory. Time for the transfer back…

The Obliterator in the inventory now has 106 attack power

The Obliterator is now powered up, sporting 106 attack power

Transferring Back

Which involves using yet more IST setups to bring it back over. For this one, you’ll need enough slots to cover your Key Items, your Champion abilities, and the One-Hit Obliterator.

Yeah, we did say Champion abilities. Unfortunately, these get temporarily cloned if you use IST on a file with them, since a fallback occurs that adds them back if removed from your inventory.

So, you’ll need to account for that here. Regardless, break that many slots, and load the autosave with the Obliterator. Grab the Obliterator, then load the manual save again.

Voila, you should now have the Obliterator there too. Congrats, you’ve now got one of the most insanely overpowered weapons in the game, bar none.

Upgrading It Further

But it can still go much further. You see, while this Obliterator doesn’t actually lose durability or break, it does still do double damage if it’s on its last point of durability.

So, by transferring durability from a breakable weapon that’s about to break, you can make it do double damage with every hit, giving you a mind bogglingly terrifying weapon with somewhere between 212 and 240 attack power.

To do that, get a weak, easily breakable weapon (like a Tree Branch) and save the game. Now, hit something with that weak weapon until it breaks, counting the number of hits it takes along the way.

Reload your save, and hit something until that weapon is 2 hits away from breaking.

Get some multishot bows with shock arrows, and do the same setup as for IST (drop bow, equip another one, and repeat) until Link is invisible/badly glitched in the menu.

Equip the Obliterator. The graphics of the weapon Link is holding shouldn’t change.

Link goes to equip the Obliterator while invisible in the menu

Equipping the Obliterator in this state will not update the weapon Link is holding

Hit something to transfer the weak weapon’s durability to the Obliterator, leaving it with only 1 durability.

1 Durability Obliterator

Because the game thought Link was holding the tree branch while the Obliterator was equipped, damaging the former also damaged the latter

Pick up your bows, and manually switch weapons in the quick select menu. Congrats, your new Obliterator now does over 200 damage a hit.

That’s pretty damn ridiculous. It’s enough to kill a Silver Lynel in about 20 seconds if you have attack boosting food or armour, lets you take out Calamity Ganon’s first phase in a single flurry rush, kills most overworld bosses before they can move and shreds the Blights like a hot knife through butter. In fact, if story bosses didn’t have plot armour to mandate the switch to stage 2 of the fight, they’d literally die to the first flurry rush.

It basically turns Breath of the Wild into Age of Calamity!

Unfortunately, there is one minor downside here. Giving the Ultra Obliterator a single point of durability breaks flurry rushes a bit, since critical hits end that status against weaker enemies. So, while it’s stupid overpowered against bosses and Lynels, it sends weaker enemies flying across the room with every hit. Not entirely bad (since it usually stunlocks them), but a tad annoying regardless.

Ah well, at least you can copy the 106-120 damage variant with various dupe glitches, and give yourself another one to fall back on if against a weaker or small foe.

Either way, that’s how to get Breath of the Wild’s ultimate melee weapon, and turn Link into an unstoppable killing machine. It goes extremely well with the Bow of Light and Hylian Shield, and makes the game an absolute cakewalk in every way possible. Have fun using it to annihilate everything in Hyrule!

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