
Lego Worlds Review


Lego Worlds could have been a great alternative to Minecraft but it's just missing something

Lego Worlds Review

Before its big release, everyone was talking of how Lego Worlds could be a better and upgraded version of Minecraft. Would Minecraft be relevant anymore? Personally, I don’t think Mojang should be scared at all, instead they can sit nicely in their office knowing Lego Worlds is not really a competitor to Minecraft at all.

Lego Worlds does try to bring something different and tries not to be a clone of Minecraft. The quest system adds a storyline to the game. The game begins with you as an astronaut, your spaceship crashing onto a Pirate Island after being hit by several meteorites. There are three gold bricks on this island which you need to repair and power your spaceship so that you can travel to the next planet. The next few planets will introduce you to various tools include a Paint Tool – which allows you to paint anything and everything with whatever colour you want. Unfortunately, it’s not exactly a precise tool, more of a paintball sort gun that will throw paint over a large area. The biggest disappointment for me was the lack of a real multiplayer mode. You can only play co-op with someone next to you or another player in your friends list. I was looking forward to racing some Lego elephants with random players.

The lack of a proper free mode is a real disappointment. The fact that I need to unlock several bricks to be able to use them properly is a put off. What if I don’t want to waste my time on boring repetitive quests to unlock different items? The game also has quite a few bugs and flaws on the console version. The draw distance is appalling and there are inconsistent frame rates. But this is to be expected from a game that costs about £20 to be honest. If you really do want this game then wait a few months, I’m sure the price will hit rock bottom sooner or later. The whole game feels a bit rushed to be honest. I feel like Traveller’s Tales got bored halfway through developing the game and just decided to put it on the market because they knew how powerful the Lego marketing was going to be.

There are some good things about the game. It’s a great educational game for the younger generation. The quests will require some thinking for younger brains and solutions aren’t always easy to find. If you have a young child who is addicted to Lego then give them this game. The unlimited bricks will keep them entertained for a while and is probably cheaper than buying real Lego sets for them.

It’s a decent game for it’s price tag but don’t expect anything amazing. It’s a game that you will play a few times and then chuck it somewhere in your house and never use it again. Unlike Minecraft it won’t have a large adult player community. Maybe Traveller’s Tales knew that and that’s why they didn’t try as hard. If done correctly, Lego Worlds could have been an amazing game but for the moment it’s just not there.

1 Comment

  1. Nice review, my inner lego lover demands I at least try this which I will have to get it one day.

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