
The Next Nintendo Direct Happens Tomorrow!

The Next Nintendo Direct Happens Tomorrow!

Well, we knew it was coming. Indeed, we even knew what month it was happening in, given how Nintendo announced it alongside the Switch 2 teaser.

But now it’s official. The next Nintendo Direct is coming tomorrow, and will feature 40 minutes of information on upcoming titles for the Nintendo Switch. Here’s the announcement about it from Nintendo UK:

As well as the Nintendo of America:

And Nintendo JP equivalents:

As you can tell, it’s going to be a pretty detailed Direct. Indeed, with 40 minutes of information, it’s clearly going to have far more information than any other Direct in a while, even despite the apparent quietness on the Switch games front.

So what could they be announcing? What sort of games could be shown off in a Nintendo Direct like this?

Honestly, your guess is as good as ours. After all, what exactly have Nintendo got on the schedule at this point?

Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD, Nintendo World Championships: NES Edition and Metroid Prime 4.

Luigi's Mansion 2 HD Key Art

Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD is the only Mario game currently planned for a future Switch release

With two of them being due this very month. It’s not exactly a Direct worthy games line up on its own, that’s for sure.

And while Pokémon Legends Z-A is technically also coming to the Switch, that’s a Pokémon title. Those tend to get announced in their own Pokémon Presents videos, not as part of a general Nintendo Direct alongside other games.

Hence there must be something else on the agenda here. Or at least, a few more big announcements that could justify a Direct like this one and fill out the rest of the year.

Here are some of our guesses for what those could be:

New Mario Party
This feels like a sure-fire bet. We’ve had no DLC for Superstars, and these games are usually yearly or biyearly efforts.
New Mario Sports Game
There’s also a fairly high chance of a new Mario sports game too. Probably Baseball, though a Sports Superstars or Mario & Sonic game could be likely too.
Zelda Remake/Remaster
It also feels like it could be time for a Zelda remake or remaster too. Whether that’s Wind Waker HD, Twilight Princess HD, Oracle series remakes or something else entirely is anyone’s guess though.
Metroid Remake/Remaster
Metroid could easily get the same treatment too. Either Prime 2 and 3 remaster, or a Samus Return one. Metroid Fusion would be a cool option to see too.
Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD
Another sure-fire bet. The game’s due very soon, so it’s probably being shown here.
Metroid Prime 4
Yeah, this is a tossup. But come on, it’s been 7 years now. Surely, we’ll get some footage of this game, right?

But that’s only the obvious stuff here. We know there’s going to be something much bigger and more unlikely here, there always is. Whether it’s a major remake like Paper Mario or Mario RPG, a series revival like for Kid Icarus or Wario Land, or an unexpected spinoff like Mario + Rabbids, Nintendo always tries to provide at least two world changing announcements in every presentation.

It’s just we have no way of even guessing what that could be.

Regardless, what do you think they’ll show in the Nintendo Direct tomorrow? Do you think that Metroid Prime 4 could finally make its debut here? What obscure Nintendo series could see a Switch comeback in 2024?

Leave your thoughts in the comments below, on social media, or over on our Discord server today!


June 2024 Nintendo Direct Announcement (Nintendo UK on Twitter)

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