When it comes to Super Mario Sunshine mods, Super Mario Eclipse has always been one of the most promising projects. After all, it adds two new characters in the form of Luigi and II Piantissimo, entirely new worlds with themes not seen in the vanilla game, and a plethora of new mechanics and obstacles too, including from all manner of other Mario adventures.
Yet despite this, we were always a bit worried about the project’s future. After all, it was an ambitious concept, and one which pushed Sunshine’s engine to its very limits. As a result, we always worried there was a chance the team would grow bored and move on, or that the project would fall into development hell so many other fan games.
Fortunately, though, we’re wrong. Why? Because Super Mario Eclipse has now been released, and you can play it for yourself. Here’s the launch trailer for the mod with more footage of the game:

As you can see, it’s come a long way since our interview. We’ve got new levels not seen before, including a Peach’s Castle like area and a mafia hideout. There are mechanics we didn’t know were in development, like a stealth section, locked treasure chests and exploding mines.
Plus, with all kinds of other new characters and features, it’s looking better than ever before.
So, check it out Mario Sunshine fans! It’s an awesome looking game, and a mod that seems like it could revolutionise Super Mario Sunshine forever.