In the world of fan games and mods, unusual crossovers aren’t exactly a rarity. Whether it’s Super Mario 64 mods based on Counter-Strike and Half-Life, Banjo-Kazooie mods based on the Legend of Zelda series or the batshit insanity of games like Mushroom Kingdom Fusion, the fan game world has some interesting projects to say the least.
But now there’s another unexpected one. A bizarre crossover between the original Luigi’s Mansion and Pikmin.
Yup, titled Louie’s Mansion and created by a modder named Vivvy Boy, this game has Louise braving a mansion filled with ghostly Pikmin and Bulborbs as he battles to save Olimar from the latter’s clutches. Here’s a video showing the project in action:

As you can see, it goes about as far as you can expect for a joke like this one. All the ghosts are now Pikmin themed, along with all their special attacks and projectiles. E Gadd has been replaced by the President from Pikmin 2, who instead refers to his gallery as a ‘hoard’.
And all the text in the game has been changed too, with the Boo names replaced by Bulborb related ones and the dialogue made more fitting for the Pikmin Universe.
It’s a surprisingly complex project for such a strange gimmick, and one which takes the format of Luigi’s Mansion and Pikminfies it in just about every way under the sun.
So yeah, check it out Pikmin fans. It’s a fun twist on the original Luigi’s Mansion for those interested in that series, and evidence that you can indeed create an interesting crossover out of even the unlikeliest of franchises.