When it comes to camera angles in the Mario series, first person ones are few and far between. Okay, you can technically play that way in Mario Kart 7, and there are sections in the original Luigi’s Mansion that work this way…
But fully first-person games are virtually non-existent. There’s Yoshi’s Safari on SNES, and that’s about it.

Yoshi’s Safari was the only official first-person Mario game
It’s just a camera setup that doesn’t lend itself to platformers or action-adventure games, and one the Mario series has mostly steered clear of as a result.
However, that hasn’t stopped fans from experimenting with the format. From Super Mario Bros 1 to Super Mario 64, Super Mario 3D World to Super Mario Galaxy, it’s become a common fan project to remake an existing Mario game in 3D, or modify the original engine to function as such.
And now it seems Super Mario 3D Land has gotten in on the action too. Why? Because as the title suggests, a modder named Cyboo has now released a mod for Super Mario 3D Land which makes that game a first-person experience too.
Here’s a video showing it in action:

As you can see, it’s certainly an interesting experience, we’ll say that much. With tiny levels and a camera more zoomed in than ever, you really feel like Mario through and through. The enemies feel suitably giant, the platforming suitably dramatic, and the game as a whole actually feels rather well suited to the viewpoint all things considered. It’s not as trippy as Galaxy 1 was in first-person, but it’s also not as weird or boring as Super Mario Bros 1 nor as overwhelming as 64 was.
It just feels right for the viewpoint, with the slower paced gameplay and smaller levels fitting that style far better than its predecessors did.
So yeah, it definitely seems like a mod worth trying out at some point, that’s for sure.
But what are your thoughts on it? Are you excited to play 3D Land like this? Or do you feel like other Mario games work better in this style?
Leave your thoughts in the comments below, on social media, or on our Discord server today!