When it comes to video game mods, one of the most interesting things seems to be how quickly they pop up for new games. Whether it’s Mario vs Donkey Kong seeing mods for its demo, WarioWare Gold getting a major graphics mod within a couple of months, or the Minecraft pack for Smash Ultimate seeing one within hours of its launch, it’s always impressive seeing how quickly the community reverse engineer and update even the newest of games.
SM64 Mario in Mario VS Donkey Kong! The first mod ever for this game! (WIP) pic.twitter.com/Slzwy8v5FK
— NintendoGameTuber (@nintygametube) February 1, 2024
And Super Mario Bros Wonder is no exception. Within just days of it releasing, the mod scene was in full swing, with a level editor, custom levels and everything. It was an insane turn around, and one that seriously outpaced that of the New Super Mario Bros modding scene.
With one of the reasons for its being prominence being Rimea, the person we’re interviewing this time around. Starting out as a New Super Mario Bros Wii and U modder back in the ’10s, he quickly moved to Mario Wonder modding the minute the community sprang up, and publicised the hell out of both the community and its capacities.

So let’s talk to him about all of it, and learn all about Super Mario Bros modding, its community and Rimea’s experience as a modder and YouTuber as a whole.
Let’s a go!
The Interview
Let’s start with some background info. Who are you? Who is Rimea?
Hello everyone, Rimea here! (that’s what I used to say at the start of all of my videos)
I’m an average 22-year-old Dutch guy, and even though it’s apparently used as a real name in some parts of the world, Rimea is not my own real name.
I started uploading to my YouTube channel back in 2017. For years my channel existed mostly as a way of stimulating the growth and activity of the New Super Mario Bros. U modding community, by showcasing both my own mods and those made by other people. However, more recently I have made an effort to broaden the appeal of my channel, which proved to be very successful when I switched to covering Super Mario Bros. Wonder modding around the release of that game.
And where did that username come from?
It’s a strange story. I’ve been an avid Minecraft player for almost as long as I’ve been a fan of Nintendo games. Around a decade ago I changed my Minecraft skin to a red slime, and I decided that I should change my name to match. I took my old username, which started with an R and ended with an A, and combined it with the word “slime”. That’s how I ended up with “Rimea”.
What was your first game?
It might sound too good to be true, but I think it might actually be the original “New Super Mario Bros.” for the DS. There’s no way of being sure, considering I’ve played games for as long as I can remember. However, some of my earliest gaming memories are definitely of me getting stuck halfway through the first world of that game. I remember being very surprised when I allowed some friends to play and they got to world 2, I don’t think I even knew there were multiple worlds.

This was Rimea’s first game
How about current games? What games are you playing now?
I’m not actually in the middle of playing through any games at the moment. I don’t spend as much time playing new games as one might expect. Because such a large part of my YouTube channel is playing parts of a few games over and over again, I often don’t really have the time or motivation to play other games I’m interested in. For years the only games I would play were Nintendo’s latest big releases, though recently I’ve also tried to find smaller games to enjoy.
A game that I played through recently that really resonated with me was “Pentiment”. It’s a very story-focussed game that takes place in 16th century Europe. I’m actually quite a big history geek, to the point where I studied history in college for a while, so I really loved how the game used its setting. Most of the games I play are platformers or action games of some sort, so playing through a very dialogue-heavy mystery game was a new experience for me. It turns out it might be one of my favourite games I’ve ever played.

What’s your history with the Mario series? How did you get into that?
Like I already mentioned, some of my earliest gaming memories are of playing New Super Mario Bros. on the DS. I also played Mario Kart DS, Mario Party DS Super Mario 64 DS, for some reason I used to only really play Mario games. Isn’t it funny how many Mario fans are into Mario Kart even though its gameplay has nothing to do with the mainline Mario games? It’s not like I play any other racing games, but put Mario in it and I’m in. I guess it’s that Nintendo charm.
I remember I used to be into 2D Mario specifically. When my parents finally got us a Wii, I immediately bought New Super Mario Bros. Wii, whereas it took years before I got the Super Mario Galaxy games. It wasn’t until the end of the Wii U era that I really got into Nintendo franchises other than Mario, Donkey Kong or Kirby.
One thing that fans often complain about is the lack of variety in the New Super Mario Bros series. As a modder for those games, what do you think about that?
I think people often make the mistake of assuming that just because a person mods a game, it must be a game they really love. I think the New Super Mario Bros. games are all pretty mediocre compared to most Mario games, and especially compared to other modern 2D platformers. My favourite game is Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze, and I don’t think any aspect of any of the NSMB games even comes close to matching that game.

Despite mostly modding Mario games, Rimea prefers this title
I definitely agree that the New Super Mario Bros. games lack variety. There’s this thing that sometimes comes up when Nintendo is asked why certain games haven’t received a sequel yet, where they say that they only make a sequel if they have a new and exciting idea for it. I think that might be true for sequels to games which didn’t sell amazingly well, but clearly the success of the New Super Mario Bros. games made Nintendo sort of overlook that principle in favour of easy earnings.
One of the most common topics of debate within the NSMB modding community is whether New Super Mario Bros. Wii or U is better, and personally I think it’s U. However, in the end it really doesn’t matter, people are comparing one 7/10 game to another very similar 7/10 game.
Either way, how did you get into video game modding?
My interest in modding undoubtedly started because of Newer Super Mario Bros. Wii.
That mod was developed around the time I first started exploring the internet, so as a huge New Super Mario Bros. Wii fan, I was hooked long before it was even released. When it did release in 2013, me and my brother really struggled to get it installed on our Wii, but at the start of summer break we finally got it to work. After beating it more than once, I started looking into other New Super Mario Bros. Wii mods, which led me to the, now defunct, rvlution.net modding forum. Apart from mod downloads, that website also featured plenty of modding tutorials, so before long I wasn’t just messing around with mod installation, but also mod creation.
And what drew you to the Mario series here, rather than say, Zelda or Pokémon or Sonic?
I was a Mario fan long before I was a Nintendo fan. Although I love plenty of game franchises nowadays, I was modding Mario games long before I ever even thought of playing a Zelda game. I suppose the “level” structure of most Mario games I’ve worked with also just lends itself to modding in a way that isn’t really the case for most other types of games. Pokémon and Sonic are game series that I’ve just never gotten into. I think I may have tried one of the DS Pokémon games once or twice, and I’ve played through half of Sonic Mania I believe, but they’re just not really my thing. I have messed around with modding other platformers like a few Kirby games and Celeste.
Prior to your Mario Wonder mods, you modded New Super Mario Bros U. How did you get interested in that scene?
After I spent some time working on a few New Super Mario Bros. Wii mod projects that led nowhere around 2015, I stopped modding for a few years, and instead spent most of my free time playing Minecraft. Around September of 2017 I saw a video by Mayro showcasing a few custom New Super Mario Bros. U levels. Not only was I surprised to learn that Mayro, who I had first become friends with through the New Super Mario Bros. Wii modding community years before, was now a YouTuber, but this was also when I learned that New Super Mario Bros. U modding had finally become a real thing.
The Minecraft servers I had been playing on with my friends had all fizzled out, so I had more than enough free time to investigate New Super Mario Bros. U modding. The thing that I really liked about it at the time, was how much untapped potential New Super Mario Bros. U modding had. Although some tools and documentation already existed for the game, there were basically no proper mods that had been released, and the modding community for it was spread out across multiple unrelated Discord servers. Eventually I tried to change that by starting a proper New Super Mario Bros. U modding community Discord server called “Evolution”, which was very successful and still exists to this day.

What was your first mod for that game?
The first mod I made for New Super Mario Bros. U was “Cloudy Super Mario Bros. U”. I chose that name because the route that the mod took through the original game’s world map meant that a large part of the levels featured in the mod were in world 7; the cloud world. I made the mod over a period of about two months, which is insane in hindsight considering the mod features 30 levels. It’s no wonder then that most of those levels aren’t very good. Regardless, I have Cloudy SMBU to thank for many of my early online successes. When the YouTuber Domtendo did a let’s play of it in 2020, that almost instantly doubled the size of both the New Super Mario Bros. U modding community and my YouTube subscriber count.

How does the modding scene compare to that for New Super Mario Bros DS or Wii?
New Super Mario Bros. U was basically born out of New Super Mario Bros. Wii, and the same can be said about the two games’ respective modding scenes. Although I wasn’t around to witness it, I believe the same can also be said about New Super Mario Bros. Wii and DS.
Nowadays, the Wii and U modding communities are one and the same. Although I am no longer actively involved in much of it, I know that they now both inhabit the aforementioned Evolution Discord server, with plenty of members being interested in both games. On the other hand, the New Super Mario Bros. DS modding scene has mostly stayed a completely separate community.
The biggest difference between modding New Super Mario Bros. Wii and modding New Super Mario Bros. U, is that most Wii modders tend to base their own mods off of Newer Super Mario Bros. Wii’s framework. This means that many New Super Mario Bros. Wii mods will feature Newer Wii’s visuals, gimmicks, world map system, or even music. Although most New Super Mario Bros. U mods still take plenty of stuff from older mods, they’re fundamentally much closer to the original game than most New Super Mario Bros. Wii mods, because there haven’t been any U mods that completely reshaped the game the way Newer Wii did.

What are some of the most promising mods for that game?
I don’t keep up with New Super Mario Bros. U mods as much as I used to, but I’ll say “Super Mario World U” by t0bu. It features pretty unique SMW-inspired visuals, and some interesting code hacks. I believe it’s t0bu’s first New Super Mario Bros. U mod, which only makes what I’ve seen of it all the more impressive.

Onto Super Mario Evolution now? What made you decide to start working on that project the first time around?

After I’d released my first few New Super Mario Bros. U mods, I thought I was ready to make what we would call a “full” mod. Ever since the release of Newer Super Mario Bros. Wii, people have been trying to make “the Newer Super Mario Bros Wii of X”, which basically just means the biggest and most ambitious mod of any Mario game. So indeed, I was trying to make the Newer Super Mario Bros. Wii of New Super Mario Bros. U, after Newer Super Mario Bros. U itself had recently been cancelled. We named the Evolution Discord server after the aforementioned rvlution.net forum, and in turn I named Super Mario Evolution after the Discord server that had become the home of New Super Mario Bros. U modding at this point. I figured that since Cloudy SMBU had only taken me a few months, surely Super Mario Evolution couldn’t take me more than a year to make. Throughout that year however, the more levels I made, the higher my standards went. Every time I made a few new levels, I looked back on my old levels and realised how poorly designed they were in comparison. This process made it quite hard to make any meaningful progress.
And before you stopped working on it, what were some of your favourite aspects of that game?
The thing about Super Mario Evolution, and something that perhaps helped in its eventual downfall, is that it never really had an overarching idea. It was basically just an excuse for me to make as many levels as I could think of. Even when I did cancel it, it’s not like I stopped making levels, I was just making them with a different goal. Therefore, I can’t really think of my favourite thing about that original version of the mod that isn’t equally applicable to other mods I’ve made. I just enjoy making levels, figuring out how to repurpose the game’s original assets and mechanics in new and unique ways, trying to play with the psychology of the player, it’s fun no matter which mod you’re making it for.
How did each of the versions differ from each other design wise?
Super Mario Evolution went through three different phases. I started the mod in early 2018, and after basically working on it on my own for two years, I cancelled it so I could work on the relatively smaller Cloudy Super Mario Bros. U 2 instead. After my friend WillyMaker released a few small New Super Mario Bros. U mods throughout 2020, he wanted to start working on his own big project. Since I had helped him with his previous mods, and was also helping out on this new project, it was eventually decided that this new mod could once again be called Super Mario Evolution. This new Super Mario Evolution had almost nothing in common with the old one, and now there was a small team working on it instead of just me. Although this new version of the project made a lot of progress for a year or so, the sheer amount of work needed to completely rework an entire game ended up being too much for the team, and especially WillyMaker, who was doing the bulk of the work. Thus, the mod was essentially cancelled yet again around 2022, before it was picked up by Teltix in a situation that was basically identical to how WillyMaker ended up with the mod two years prior. This also meant that the size of the team increased greatly yet again. By the time the mod was truly cancelled in late 2023, it had had dozens of developers.
Still, we can’t beat around the bush here… the game is cancelled. What lessons should be learned from its development situation?

I think the failure of Super Mario Evolution speaks to the difficulties of motivating people to work on something without an incentive. I’m a firm believer in the idea that money should stay out of modding entirely, but this does make it more difficult to encourage people to help out on a project. If I had continued working on the mod on my own, I could have probably finished its levels. However, most mods require more than levels, and it’s hard for a single person to do everything. Therefore, asking for help or inviting additional team members is a logical move. The problem is finding people who are willing to help out over the course of months, if not years. Although levels were constantly being made throughout the mod’s several phases of development, the same can’t be said for secondary elements like music, graphics, or code hacks. That doesn’t mean I blame anyone responsible for those aspects, in fact I was arguably in charge of graphics throughout WillyMaker’s version of the mod. We simply did a poor job of creating an appealing project for other people to work on.
Let’s talk about Super Mario Bros Wonder now. What are your thoughts on the game in general?
I really like Super Mario Bros. Wonder. I still can’t quite decide whether it’s my favourite Mario game, but it’s certainly a step up from the New Super Mario Bros. games. I don’t think it’s perfect; I agree with some of the popular complaints, like how the game is too easy and doesn’t feature enough interesting boss fights, but in the grand scheme of things it’s still a very good game.
What are your favourite levels in the game?
One of my favourite experiences playing the game must have been during “Piranha Plants on Parade”. Before its release, I was afraid that the game’s marketing had spoiled the best wonder effects, but Nintendo brilliantly decided not to show the singing Piranha Plants before the game’s release whatsoever. Although the level’s design really isn’t anything amazing, the surprise of the wonder effect alone easily makes it one of my favourite levels. Therefore, I also really enjoyed “The Semifinal Test: Piranha Plant Reprise” since it manages to rework that same wonder effect into a much more difficult and enjoyable level. As opposed to New Super Mario Bros. U, Wonder also features a very enjoyable Bowser world. Most of those levels rank among my favourites as well.

Any you don’t care about?
I think most of the game’s main levels are very well designed. However, I didn’t always enjoy the bonus levels. Most of the early “Badge Challenge” levels are only interesting because of the badge they give you; their design is often very dull. Many of the “Break Time!” levels weren’t that interesting either. Although I didn’t hate the “Search Party” levels as much as some, they still made for frustrating additions to an otherwise very fun game.

Still, the modding scene popped up extremely quickly all things considered. How did people figure out the game’s inner workings so early on?
It was a combination of a few different factors. Super Mario Bros. Wonder uses the same “ModuleSystem” engine that has been used for many of Nintendo’s biggest releases in the past few years, like The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, and Splatoon 3. This meant that tools and documentation that had been worked on for those games were also partially applicable to Wonder. It’s also noteworthy just how simple Wonder’s level format is. Once the data has been decoded, it boils down to a relatively simplistic list of objects and coordinates, which meant that I was able to make a custom level only a week after the game’s release. However, it can’t be ignored that part of the reason that Super Mario Bros Wonder modding developed so quickly, was because the game leaked a week before its official release date. I decided not to play the leak other than for mod testing purposes, but that didn’t stop many people from not only playing the full game, but also exploring and documenting its files. I don’t condone piracy, especially when it comes to games that are still commercially available, but it can’t be denied that this helped a great bunch when it came to kickstarting the Wonder modding community.
And are video games getting mods earlier than before? It feels like people are learning how to modify games at a rate far quicker than back in the 90s or 00s…
I wasn’t really around to witness modding before the 2010s, but I can guess that it’s mostly down to the popularity and availability of the internet. Modding is still a pretty obscure practice, but there were certainly way fewer people interested in it back when very few people even had access to the internet to share their projects and findings. In the end, the viability of modding a game mostly comes down to the amount / talent of people interested in modding it, so the chances of a game growing a proper modding community have gone up significantly alongside the popularity of the internet.

Above: ROM hacks used to take longer to really get complicated
What are some of the things that modders are still trying to understand about the game?
How exactly Super Mario Bros. Wonder’s collision works, let alone how to edit it, is still mystery to me and many other modders. It uses the same “phive” system that’s used in other ModuleSystem games, and I don’t know of anyone who has been able to properly generate custom collision because of this. In the case of Super Mario Bros. Wonder mods this luckily doesn’t affect that much. The game automatically generates collision based on terrain and objects that get placed inside of a level. However, some specific elements, such as the red and blue on/off blocks, exclusively rely on pre-placed phive collision, meaning it’s currently impossible to make a level using those.
How about favourite projects in general? Are there any other Super Mario Bros Wonder mods you’re really excited for?
This might sound a bit rude, but I don’t think there are any Wonder level pack mods that I’m excited for at the moment. Although modding Super Mario Bros. Wonder has been possible since the game’s release, it’s clearly still taken people a long time to adjust to the game. I am not the only person who’s been making original custom levels for the game, and some of what I’ve seen others make is really promising, so I’m sure it won’t take long before Wonder receives the same kind of modding attention as the New Super Mario Bros. games have had for years. Something which I am excited for is bunten’s Super Mario Bros. Wonder soundtrack overhaul mod. They’re a very talented composer, and everything I’ve heard from it so far sounds excellent.

Let’s talk about your own levels now. How do you come up with ideas for levels here?
The core of my levels is almost always some kind of unique interaction between two or more of the game’s elements. Super Mario Bros. Wonder is perfect for this kind of stuff, since many of the game’s objects are programmed in ways to make them function in scenarios that they were never intended to be used in. Other aspects of a level, such as its theme or main power-up, are things I decide upon based on the elements that I’ve chosen to use. I find additional ideas for levels by looking at what the original game did using the elements I’ve chosen to use, and trying to find twists upon those setups that might make them a worthwhile inclusion for my own level.

How do you choose appropriate Wonder Effects for them?
Most of what I learned about designing 2D Mario levels by modding New Super Mario Bros. U was also applicable to making custom Super Mario Bros. Wonder levels, so learning how to integrate appropriate Wonder Effect sections has been one of the few things that I’ve really had to get used to. Luckily, the original game features so many Wonder Effects that simply applying an existing one to a new scenario with some different mechanics in play is often enough to make a unique section. Wonder transformations are particularly useful in this sense, since the original game doesn’t really use those in a large variety of situations, even though their programming mostly holds up when they’re subjected to mechanics they never interacted with in the original game. The main difficulty with Wonder Effects is making sure they feel like they make sense with the elements that the level has introduced up until that point. The original game’s effects are almost always related to one of the level’s main elements, so I’ve tried to make sure that my own Wonder Effects are always slightly predictable in that same way.
Is it possible to create entirely new ones yet?
There are two types of mods; ones that use the existing elements in the game to make something new, and ones that add completely new elements into the game. It is already possible to create completely new Wonder Effects by using the existing systems within the game to trigger some unique mechanics. On the other hand, it is not yet possible to actually program a new effect, such as a transformation, into the game.
How about new enemies and mechanics in general? We’ve seen two new boss fights for the game, but entirely new enemies and actors seem quite rare so far…
The same principle I explained earlier also applies here. Any “custom” enemies, boss fights, or power-ups so far all rely on existing elements within the game to create something that feels new. Making this stuff is more comparable to creating an impressive Super Mario Maker setup than actually programming a new game mechanic. I am not really a programmer, and have made no attempts to look at Super Mario Bros. Wonder’s source code, but from what others have told me, it sounds like truly editing the game’s code currently isn’t possible. The nice thing about Wonder is that many variables are stored outside of the game’s code, so it might still be possible to adjust things to the point where something truly custom can be made. Either way, I’m sure proper code hacks will eventually be implemented, just like they have been for basically every other Mario game, it might just take a while.
Which of your level designs are your favourites?
It’s not a particularly exciting answer, but at the moment I think “High Tide Hoppos” is my favourite level I’ve made so far. In fact, for the most part, I think each of my Wonder levels has turned out better than the previous one.

Any you feel could have been done better?
My first custom level is barely even a proof of concept, if I ever end up releasing it, I’ll probably remake the whole thing. In general, I’m never perfectly happy with a level when I finish it. I could probably work on the same level for months on end, making an infinite number of little improvements, but at some point, I just have to call it quits so I can upload a video of it to my YouTube channel.

Do you have any larger scale plans for Super Mario Bros Wonder mods? Like a whole new game rather than standalone levels?
Yes. My current plan is to compile all of my custom levels into a level pack that I’ll release once I’ve made enough to fill the first world of the original game. If that works out, and I still have motivation to work on more, I might start looking into working on a more serious large-scale project.
Either way, your channel has seen some crazy growth recently, with Mario Wonder videos often getting 50K or more views. How does it feel knowing people care this strongly about the title and your mods for it?
I know it’s a cliché for YouTubers to say this kind of thing, but I still can’t really comprehend just how many people have watched some of my videos. I’m a bit of an introvert in everyday life, so I’d almost rather not think of just how many people have watched my silly videos where I explain silly things using my silly voice about the silly plumber games. There have been several YouTubers whose videos I’ve watched myself who have left supportive comments on some of my videos. Obviously, I have the popularity of Super Mario Bros. Wonder to thank for a large part of my newly gained fanbase, but in general, most of the comments I get are still pretty lovely. I’ve also really enjoyed telling my family about my recent successes, it feels like they care more about my subscriber count than I do at this point.
What does that mean for the future? Are you looking into working on YouTube videos full-time?
I’ve seen plenty of successful YouTubers say that they never even considered this could turn into their job when they were starting out. The same can’t be said for me. I am young enough to where I basically grew up knowing that YouTube is a job for some people, and I’ve always wanted that to be the case for me as well. However, considering I exclusively made modding videos about a pretty irrelevant and unloved game for half a decade, I’d basically given up on that dream up until recently. At this point though, who knows? Although it’s not unheard of, there are very few modders who have managed to turn that into a job through YouTube monetisation alone. I suppose it all depends on how relevant Super Mario Bros. Wonder modding will be in years to come, and which other games I might be able to cover in the future.

Given Super Mario Bros 3 mods are still relevant, Wonder should be popular for mods for years to come…
Unfortunately, one group that doesn’t seem to like Mario Wonder mods are Nintendo, who’ve already taken down one of your videos on the subject. How worried are you that they’ll try and strike more content?
Nintendo has actually tried to take down all of my original 15 Wonder videos, which is why 5 of them aren’t up currently. Their most recent takedown was earlier this month, when they took down a few videos that I had reuploaded because of their original takedowns. When that happened, I feared that my recent uploads might be next, but for some reason those have been fine so far. There simply is no predicting this stuff, so I’ve given up on that and just decided to roll with the punches.
Do you have a backup plan if your channel gets nuked because of that?
So far as I understand, my channel itself isn’t really at risk, just my individual videos. There are a few video ideas that aren’t related to Wonder modding that I’ve been wanting to find an excuse to work on, so if worst comes to worst, I’ll take a break from Wonder modding and try out some other stuff. I suppose if my channel does get nuked, I would probably continue uploading on the Super Mario Evolution YouTube channel, which has six thousand subscribers currently.
On a more positive note, are there any other video ideas you have? Perhaps about other games or mods for them?
Ever since the game’s release, I’ve thought about making a long in-depth review of Super Mario Bros. Wonder. Thanks to my years of 2D Mario modding experience, I think I’ve developed a pretty good understanding of game design as a whole, so I’d have quite a lot to say. There are plenty of games that I’ve modded in the past that I would like to revisit at some point as well, like Mario Kart 8 Deluxe or Celeste. I also still have a few unfinished projects in the works from my New Super Mario Bros. U modding days that I should really go back and finish. However, working on any of this would honestly feel like a waste so long as Wonder modding keeps being as popular as it has been for my channel so far.

Finally, what advice would you give to someone looking to get started with Super Mario Bros Wonder modding?
Just keep making stuff, even if you don’t think it’s any good. I didn’t learn to make good levels overnight, I’ve been making Mario levels for the better part of a decade, and I really only like the levels I made in the past four years or so. If you’re struggling with anything, join the Wonderland Discord server, look through old conversations, and if nobody has asked about what you’re trying to figure out before, ask for help. Don’t feel embarrassed if you’re struggling, I know plenty of veteran modders who can’t be bothered to mod Wonder because the tools are still unfinished. Lastly, I suppose my own videos also aren’t a bad place to start when it comes to understanding the gist of Wonder modding.
Thanks Rimea! Yeah, that’s some fair advice. As the old saying goes, practice makes perfect, and that’s the case for ROM hacks and mods too. Yeah, your first few levels will be terrible, but your later ones will get better and better, to the point you’ll actually have something you’re proud to call your own.
And you should definitely not be afraid to ask for help either. Learning how to do something shouldn’t be an embarassment, especially when it’s a highly technical field like modding Nintendo Switch games or game development in general.
Regardless, thanks for the interview Rimea! It was great to speak to you about your mods and YouTube channel, and we’re excited to see what other awesome stuff you create in future. Super Mario Evolution looked like an amazing ROM hack from what we’ve seen of it, and your Super Mario Bros Wonder levels have all been top notch so far.
Here’s hoping to see even more awesome levels and works from you in future!
Still, what did you think of the interview? Did we do a good job asking interesting questions about Super Mario Bros Wonder, and Rimea’s modding career as a whole? What are some of your favourite Super Mario Bros Wonder mods and custom levels?
Leave your thoughts in the comments below, on social media, or over our Discord server today!